
Showing posts from January, 2018

【中英文台詞】BBC 英劇 In The Flesh 復生/行屍肉心( Quotes 選)

Source: KOSZINE 「I balanced all, brought all to mind. The years to come seemed waste of breath; A waste of breath the years behind. In balance with this life, this death.」 ( 我權衡一切、回視全局,往後將到來的年月似無必要、一如過去的日子皆同是浪費。在此我於生死之間取得均衡。 )

【中英文歌詞】You by Keaton Henson(BBC 英劇 In The Flesh 復生/行屍肉心 - 終曲)

「Gone is the face we loved so dear, silent the voice we loved to hear.」 已然逝去的是我們曾如許親愛的容顏,就此沉默的聲音我們曾那樣深愛聆聽。 「Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.」 不要溫順地步入那良夜。要憤怒,要向消逝中的白晝憤怒抵抗。

【中英文歌詞】Flesh and Bone by Keaton Henson(BBC 英劇 In The Flesh 復生/行屍肉心 - 插曲)

"We all have our own scars... Ever been so depressed it felt as if every nerve ending in your body were exposed, red and raw?" 「我們都有自己的傷疤。......但你是否曾抑鬱到彷彿全身上下每一條神經的末梢都暴露風中,腥紅而赤裸?」 2013~2014 年的劇了,有點老。但劇中揭露的人性問題永不老、青少年的抑鬱症狀只有越來越新、越來越多、越來越嚴重。